The Faster, Easier Way to Get Your Driver’s Classes DONE.

If you have to do driving school anyway,
you might as well make it convenient.

Most people don’t take traffic classes for fun. They do it for the perks.
So, whether it's ...
We'll make your experience as smooth as possible.


Make Your Car Insurance Cheaper From the Comfort of Your Home

For less than the price of a meal at Bob Evans, you can start saving on your car insurance today! No switching insurance, no extra paperwork. Just finish the course, download a PDF, email it to your insurance company and start saving!

Recommended Class for Seniors
Florida drivers who are over the age of 55 have been granted the unique opportunity to receive a discount on auto insurance by completing a Mature Driver Course. This course is approved by FLHSMV and is designed to be a ...
A los conductores de Florida que son mayores de 55 años se les ha concedido la oportunidad única de recibir un descuento en el seguro de automóvil completando un curso de conductor que es excelente. Si usted es un residente ...


Get Your Learner’s Permit Faster From The Comfort of Your Phone

Don’t drive to driver’s ed. Get it done faster and easier on your phone or laptop with our online Driver’s Education classes!

Recommended Youth Classes (Florida)


Got a Ticket? Get your Required Classes Done Faster and Easier

Tickets happen. Get your required courses out of the way fast with our easy and convenient driving courses!

Post-Ticket Traffic School Classes (Florida)

About us

Hello my name is Rafael, I am an Army veteran with a commitment to discipline and service, transitioning seamlessly into the civilian world as a Registered Respiratory Therapist.

My dedication to safety and education led me to establish and run Tropical Driving School, where I bring the same values to helping individuals navigate the rules of the road.

Combining my military background, healthcare expertise, and passion for education, I strive to create a positive impact on both individual drivers and the community at large.

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This course is approved by the New York Department of Motor Vehicles, American Safety Inc. is the approved sponsor. (Sponsor #028) The New York Point Insurance Reduction Course (PIRP) is a comprehensive driver safety course that will provide you with ...
Seleccione este curso si desea inscribirse en el curso en línea de Reducción de Seguros y Puntos de Nueva York (PIRP). El curso PIRP es un curso integral de seguridad del conductor que le proporcionará los conocimientos y técnicas para ...
You have selected the 8 Hour Aggressive Driver Course. The 8 Hour Aggressive Driver course is a Court Ordered Traffic School class. We also offer this Defensive Driving Course in person and online. ...
Ha seleccionado el curso de conductor agresivo de 8 horas. El curso de conductor agresivo de 8 horas es una clase de la Escuela de Tráfico ordenada por la corte. American Safety Institute ofrece este Curso de Conducción Defensiva en ...
The 8-Hour Florida Basic Driver Improvement course is for drivers that have received a Judicial Court Order to take an 8-Hour course or has received two traffic tickets within one (1) year (Broward or Dade Counties only). This course is ...
El curso de Mejora de Conductor Básico de Florida de 8 horas es para conductores que han recibido dos multas de tránsito dentro de un (1) año y un juez o tribunal le ha ordenado que tome un curso de ...