For less than the price of a meal at Bob Evans, you can start saving on your car insurance today! No switching insurance, no extra paperwork. Just finish the course, download a PDF, email it to your insurance company and start saving!
Don’t drive to driver’s ed. Get it done faster and easier on your phone or laptop with our online Driver’s Education classes!
Tickets happen. Get your required courses out of the way fast with our easy and convenient driving courses!
Hello my name is Rafael, I am an Army veteran with a commitment to discipline and service, transitioning seamlessly into the civilian world as a Registered Respiratory Therapist.
My dedication to safety and education led me to establish and run Tropical Driving School, where I bring the same values to helping individuals navigate the rules of the road.
Combining my military background, healthcare expertise, and passion for education, I strive to create a positive impact on both individual drivers and the community at large.